A cosmological theory of power

@ 30.11.2022

If we take a closer look not only at the human social order, but also at the universe on a universal scale, we can observe many surprising and even striking coincidences.

The fact is that there is a unique comprehensive physical characteristic in the Universe, which allows to describe and measure the interaction of any natural objects with each other. This characteristic is well-known and fundamental. All modern Newtonian physics is based on this characteristic, which describes almost the entire known universe. And it is called gravitation or gravitation.

It is gravity that can be a direct and universal analogue of natural interaction, extending to social relations. Gravity is in this case the analogue of influence, impact and, if you like, power.

It is known that gravitation is directly proportional to the object's mass, i.e. the heavier and more massive the object, the stronger its gravitation, the more distance its attraction extends, the more objects, which are less than its mass, it can attract and absorb, and thus increasing its mass, become even more gravitationally active and strong.

Modern astrophysics has already proved that supermassive objects in the Universe, such as black holes and neutron stars, may differ from other cosmic objects by the fact that in their proximity, the laws of time flow and space curvature may nonlinearly change.

That is, such objects live in the Universe according to their own special laws, which take place precisely because of the gravitational component. One of such exceptions is the gravitational lensing effect, which forces light from external objects to bend around supermassive objects, not taking into account linear laws of light beam propagation.

Of course, if we consider such a picture of the universal world order and extrapolate it to social interaction in human society, we can find a huge number of coincidences and analogies.

Indeed, social subjects possessing outstanding characteristics in one or another sphere, e.g. military, industrial and financial, such as states, companies, alliances, alliances necessarily spread their influence in proportion to their own mass in the universal comparison, or socially speaking to their own weight in the local / regional / international arena, namely the quantity and quality of military power, the volume of financial assets, production capacities, the volume of intellectual property or scientific, social and political property.

It can also be stated that such subjects may not obey the generally accepted laws and rules because their own weight makes it possible to force such laws and rules to change to suit their position, just as light has to bend around supermassive objects in the cosmos.

Exactly like black holes in the Universe attracting any matter caught in their gravitational field (and even light) social subjects naturally draw smaller and more influential subjects into their zone of influence by absorbing them in one form or another.

Based on the proposed theory, we can conclude that it will be quite fair to describe the interaction of any social objects in human society by the laws of classical physics, since the principles of such interaction are universal and practically universally applicable in describing the modern macrocosm.

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