Society and Freedom of Information

@ 01.12.2022

Another interesting factor influencing the life of modern man is information, or rather the speed and availability of its distribution. Due to the successful industrial development of modern civilization, material manipulation, the production of goods, the creation of technology has become a completely commonplace and habitual activity, put on the rails of industry.

The main question has now become not "what," but "how. Information has become the most valuable, expensive and sought-after commodity on the market.

And on the one hand, information has become a commodity, a commercial object, and on the other hand, information distribution channels have reached unprecedented levels of development and efficiency.

For the first time in the history of mankind, certain spheres of human activity - such as culture, show business or sports - have become commercial spheres. The rights to own and distribute content have become commercial objects. Licenses, royalties, franchises, record labels, contracts with publishers - these are now all integral companions of contemporary culture.

As a counterbalance to the domination of the capitalist model of commercial distribution of content, the explosive growth of the Internet, the reduction in the cost of computers, the development of communication technologies, which effectively separated content - movies, music, books - from physical media - discs, cassettes, records, paper pages. It is now possible to transfer a novelty of world cinematography to the other side of the planet in a couple of minutes.

Now it has become clear that the old model of commercial rights is no longer working as before, and it's not about piracy. It is much more complicated than that - the world has changed. It has changed definitively and irrevocably. What previously could be hidden, locked, seized and destroyed is now flying around the world at the speed of light.

And this automatically means that the model of information dissemination management must change. There will soon be no point in selling anything directly to anyone at all, because the consumption of content is increasingly shifting to a gratuitous basis. People are no longer willing to pay someone because someone spent hundreds of millions to create the next movie masterpiece. Direct sales of commercial content, be it movie theaters, multimedia stores, or even online retailers, are slowly but surely falling.

Moreover, having spent enormous amounts of money on creating commercial content, one can no longer be sure that at least the costs will be recovered from the total sales revenue, let alone the profits.

Commercial content has to be sold through other channels.

Given the digital age - the distribution of public (i.e. unrestricted in circulation) information for personal, non-commercial use should be free, unrestricted and royalty-free.

Commercial use of information is possible only when the content is used for commercial purposes, such as broadcasting in public places, advertising.

That is, in fact, we can say that any film, book, or song should be available for consumption by ordinary non-commercial consumers absolutely free of charge.

If the author of a work wants to make money from his masterpiece, he must himself make sure that those who can/will use his work for their own profit compensate the author an appropriate part of the profit.

The problem with piracy is not that someone steals content from the copyright holder. The main problem with piracy is that it is a platform for making black money, and this platform will be relevant for as long as there is a commodity - content whose distribution is limited due to the commercial appetite of rightsholders. It is worth saying that the content is available to non-commercial consumers completely free of charge, stealing and selling it will become completely pointless, like selling snow in winter in the north.

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